Thursday, January 10, 2013

Happy Fourth Birthday, Campbell!

We celebrated Campbell's fourth birthday, with a few friends, on December 19th...

 Campbell, Nash and George..

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


This lasted about 2 seconds... 


She's going to be a sweet Big Sister....

Sunday, November 25, 2012


It's never too cold for a popsicle.. You can't really tell but he's pointing a stick and telling me he doesn't want his picture taken.. I bribed him with another popsicle so I could snap a few more..

Let's get you caught up...

So I think it has been 6 months since my last update..  My plan here is to post a pic of the kids everyday.. along with more regular updates. Now, let's get you caught up on the Callaways... all three of you.

May- We went to the beach for a week and Cooper and I celebrated 4 years of wedded bliss.. =)

June- Cooper, Campbell, and I traveled to Austin, Texas for the Baylor Alumni meeting. We celebrated Father's day in Austin where I told Coop we'd be having number three in 2013. That's right.. number THREE..

 Campbell's first flight...

 Austin, Texas

Baby number THREE!

August- Swayze turned two on  the fifth and we traveled to Breckenridge, Colorado for a week.

 Happy Birthday, Swayze girl!

 Hardy Dove Hunt

September- Campbell and I went to North Carolina for my cousin Tyler's wedding. We also found out baby number three is another BOY...

It's a BOY...

October- Campbell was diagnosed with Menieres Syndrome. We spent Halloween at the Bock's house. Cooper was a bull rider, Campbell a cowboy, Swayze was an indian and I was a cow.. how fitting.. We spent a few afternoons at the pumpkin patch.. 

 Waiting for the MRI

November- I can't believe November is almost over.. It's kinda been a blur.  I spent the week of Thanksgiving in the hospital.. Monday-Friday.. I had pyelonephritis.. It was terrible. 104F fever and aching like the flu.. I'm home recovering and baby is just fine..

So I think you're pretty much updated until now. Hopefully I'll stay on top of this blog and not have to do another LONG post..

Sunday, April 29, 2012

New Orleans

We ventured to NOLA this weekend for Big B's 40th birthday bash... Good food, good fun, and great friends!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Campbell Ramblings

I've been trying to make notes about all the funny things Campbell says.. Only problem is, I don't write the entire story down. I've just been writing the subject down and now I can't remember the whole story behind them all.. Hopefully I'll just come back here and blog about them.

- "this little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home, this little piggy had rosemary"

-"the farmer in the dell, the farmer takes a wipe"

-"ba ba black sheep have you any wolf... One for my pastor"

-he calls side walk chalk "pork chop" bebe told him to go color on the porch with chalk.. He got pork chop out of that..

-" I don't want to go to heaven tomorrow, I wanna go to BeBe's house to play"